Snakes are one of the most exciting animals to find in the wild! The green vine snake uses to hang right next to you on eye level as if they use the footpaths for orientation. Don’t panic, these tiny green worms cannot harm you! How to find them? Some people have a talent to see a green snake in a green bush, and some perhaps take a bit longer to spot one. They are very kind photo models! Usually, the only problem they would cause is regarding your autofocus. Not easy to get the eyes in focus!
It seems like a wonder to me that such bright green, elegant snakes can survive between all the squirrels and birds out there. Not sure how they can defend themselves.
I have never seen one eating but I´ve seen many vine snakes gazing down at the grass in S-shape, which should mean they are ready to catch prey. But what? There are lots of grasshoppers and butterflies, so would they eat insects? The literature commonly says they eat lizards. Is that true? What kind of lizards, geckos, agamids, monitors? There is nothing that cannot be found on the web nowadays, so look what I found: Yatin Kalki and Merlin Weiss came up with a wonderful idea. They used people’s postings on social media (pictures of A. nasuta, another species) to check what they eat. You can find the report here. Their result: From over 200 feeding sightings 20 times a bird was the prey, and 40 times another snake! The majority were frogs and lizards. Lizards were mostly Calotes versicolor, followed by a skink. Both also occur often in Singapore! Good chances that they make a good meal for Singaporean Ahaetulla as well. My guess that they might also eat insects seems wrong. But saying lizards is only half of the story. Quest solved!
For better confusion: There are several species of green vine snakes and there are still changes in the systematic ongoing. In Singapore, there is also a Big Eye Vine snake… I´ll try to sort the current status out… Stay tuned!