Another ant-like-looking spider! And more ant-mimicking to come. Almost identical to the ant-mimicking jumping spiders on the first look is this spider, but when you look closer you’ll notice very differently oriented eyes. See the comparison below, the two large front eyes of the jumper are visible even in my phone pictures.
Similar to jumping spiders, the family of sac spiders is huge, but they are much lesser-known.
In fact, the family Clubionidae would be the real sac spiders, our spider of the day is a corinnid sac spider from the family Corinnidae (almost 900 species). I could hardly find any information on their lifestyle.
If you have seen a wasp carrying a pale yellowish spider, most likely with its legs removed, this is often also a sac spider. Not much fame for these spiders though.
Our ant-mimicking sac spider was described by a Swedish alliterationist, Tord Tamerlan Teodor Thorell. That name is my highlight of the post. He described hundreds of spiders at the same time Charles Darwin was active. Other biologists named many spiders after him, so they are called Thorelliola ensifera for example, which is a jumping spider.
This particular sac spider species is not as common as the similar-looking jumping spider. It was very relaxed while I took pictures, but also fast-moving.