First real bug on! These are generally called cotton stainer bugs, because some species are pests in cotton production and they leave stain on the cotton… But when you try to find out the species of the shown bugs, taxonomy starts its weird game. “Cotton stainer bug Singapore”-search on Google results in the name Dysdercus decussatus. But when you look for cotton stainer bug, you’ll find D. cingulatus, which seems to be lacking the nice white cross on the back. D. decussatus strangely does not appear in the English Wikipedia article about the genus Dysdercus. Then there is a paper mentioning “the D. dysdercus group”, and now we come closer. There seems to be more than one species. Here (link to Entomology Laboratory of Kohno) we see two sub species, one with a red head, and one with a black head. Trusting that we can say our nice bugs are D. dysdercus sauteri. Sub species are quite common, many animals come in different sub species. But here we also find comments on a sub genus, in this case Leptophthalmus, and this concept is totally new to me. Not sure if this is widely accepted, and if the way I wrote it down would be the correct way. Nevertheless these bugs are quite common in Singapore, and sometimes, like in the picture, they come in groups. For me bugs are a bit of a replacement for beetles, which are much lesser often to find. Especially larger, colorful beetles are hard to find.