Lissachatina fulica – No. 2, hiding behind a tree

It is very common to find these snails (formerly Achatina fulica, not sure if the revision is widely accepted) behind trees. Or on trees, or on the street, or under a table, or on a wall, or simply everywhere. But finding them in 2nd place as worst alien on our planet, behind a tree, that was a surprise. So how could a snail take over the world? They originate from East Africa. And at least a few times they were brought in on purpose, on nutritional purpose to be more exact. Sure, it’s like a large, easy to bread land clam, what’s the difference? The difference for sure was, and is, people don’t like it! They for example don´t like the dark color of the flesh. Modern cuisine ideas? Please note the warnings about parasites in the snails. After a rain, these snails will be everywhere, and on sidewalks they are under constant risk of death by trample.

Picture taken by my wife