Saptha beryllitis – micro metal!

Have you ever done 20000 of something? The guy who described this species of moth, Edward Meyrick, has. He is, according to Wikipedia, said to have described 20000 species of tiny moths (Microlepidoptera). He was a teacher and did that as a hobby. Writing all species on paper (single-spaced) would already take 80 standard pages! The article Wikipedia refers to is here.

During sixty years of intensive work, Meyrick must have described
some 20,000 new species of Lepidoptera, besides hundreds of new genera
and several new families. He had the inestimable advantage of possessing a very large percentage of the known species in his own collection,
which, by his will, has been presented to the British Museum of Natural

Edward Meyrick 1854 – 1938

This tiny moth looks very special, so special, that it must have decided to fly during the day so that we can see it. Somehow green is a relatively rare color for insects, aside from crickets. One could think green would be the best choice to hide in nature, but have you ever seen a green moth? I guess the species name is referring to beryl, beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate, which is called emerald in its green form.

Saptha beryllitis